Detoxifying Inch Loss Wrap
Our Oleaslim Inch Loss Wrap decreases cellulite, helps firm the tissues and leaves your skin silky smooth. The power of carefully chosen essential oils combined with gentle heat stimulation works to eliminate cellulite, slim, and detoxify the body. After dry brushing to exfoliate dead skin cells, the blended essential oils are applied over the entire body surface. You are cocooned in warmth to relax and enjoy the soothing aromas and let the treatment renew your spirit and transform your figure. We suggest drinking a gallon of water before and after the wrap. Your body should be free of lotions or oils prior to the treatment. (Not available to pregnant or lactating women.)
$145/75-90 min
Series of 6 Detoxifying Inch Loss treatments. Suggest scheduling twice per week.
$810 ($60 savings)
Infrared Dry Sauna Session
Experience the benefits of being surrounded by healing, detoxifying heat and light in a private infrared dry sauna. Relax, listen to soothing music and let the sauna warm you to the core. releasing toxins and tension. Color light therapy and aromatherapy (upon request) are included with the treatment. Towel wraps (provided), bathing suit or workout attire required in the sauna. You will experience a nice, healthy sweat which stops as soon as you leave the sauna. Finish with a quick cooling shower.
$20/15 min
$40/30 min
More on Benefits of Infrared Therapy
More on Benefits of Color Therapy
More on Contraindications
More on Weight Loss